Monday, April 07, 2008

04/05 - Tokyo

Today was the last full day in Japan, which meant frantically running around and buying stuff. We started by heading back to the temple district and hitting up the souvineer shops there for people. I bought a yukata there for my self as well. originally i wanted 1 that was black with red and white clouds, very similar to the atansuki ones (naruto) but got a normal one instead. I also loaded up on food and snacks to bring home. Japan has a bunch of differnet kitkat flavours.

the next stop was to go to akiharbara, the tech and anime district. there was tons to see here, lots of anime stuff, computers, airsoft...ect. here we did some more shopping, getting mini food for steph and some other stuff. i went back to yodobashi camera, where i bought my laptop to get stephs stuff and found out how my membership card worked. 13% of my laptop purchase was designated as points and each point was 1 yen to spend, so i had 15000 yen to spend for free. finding this out, i picked up a zoom attachment for my camera, so sweet!!!

after shopping we went around the trainstation to listen to the various street preformers. Dima found 1 preformer he likes from his trip last year and talked 2 her for a bit, pretty cool. after a while, a cop came by and everyone stop and all the preformers hid, it was really weird, stupid cops. after meeting up with keegan, who went off on his own to shop, we checked out the preformances some more. keegan fell in love with 1 of them, so dima and i got her cd for keegan and she wrote a nice message to him.

we went to a cheap place for dinner, which had udon, rice, and fried oysters for 600 yen, not bad. afterwards we went to ueno park to check it out at night. it was so busy there with many people having picnics and getting hammered there, was interesting.



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