Friday, April 04, 2008

04/03 - tokyo

Today was our first day in Tokyo. This is also my 3rd time trying to type this so i will resort to point form reporting out of frustration. the first time, my ipod decided to delete my note and the second time, as i went to post, there was an internet error and it erased it.

- last night in capsule hotel was interesting, but hot and stuff. neat novelty but not something i'd do often.
- went to new hostel to drop off stuff and pick up keegan's friend.
- went to asakusa district to see temple, sonsoji.
- many interesting stores for souvineers and food. ate yakitori and fresh rice crackers.
- went to ueno park to see sakuras, very pretty.
- many japanese passed out by trees with empty bottles of sake around them.
- keegan's friend left, we went to shinjuku. dima got origami book for yukari, i got last volume for my FMP manga. keegan got clothes and pens.
- keegan and i went to imperial park to see gardens and sakuras. very pretty.
- went to dinner near ueno station for sushi, conveyer belt style, similar to sushi boat.
- 136 yen per plate, 2 peices.
- good and fresh, tuna, eel, ikura, maguro, other fish i didn't know.
- had 14 plates.
- went to hostel early as we planned to wake up very early next day to go to fish market.

- if this post doesn't work again, i will just skip it.



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